WIWI: i'm not sure why it would need to light up when static is detected since it should just be eliminating it anyway, but if i had it, i'd definitely carry it around everywhere and use it before i touched anything. i wonder what kind of battery it takes (or does it run of static electricity?) clearly i have no idea how this sort of thing works.

Resitec Earthing Static is a tiny key holder with static discharger. It:
Eliminates shock
Lights up when static is detected
H: 57mm x W:7mm x D:7mm
I'm not sure how this would work, in terms of not getting shocked. I mean, you're holding the keychain, so you're still part of the circuit, no?
They must be doing something right, though, because a quick click on the link shows that they're sold out!
Fortunately, you can by the Hello Kitty model, which is described as follows:
"Innovative desgin [sic]! Powerful static absorption. Greatly reduces your chance of getting shocked Safe to open the door when Goblin disappeared"
I'm so glad that Hello Kitty will protect me from goblins harassing me when I'm trying to get in my car.
You know what this means right? I'd buy one just so I'll know when I'm charged up enough to shock someone. You just rub your feet on the carpet until the light turns on, casually walk over to an unsuspecting victim and...
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