WIWI: they look pretty. basically, that's it. looks as if they're partially advertised as fitting on a round plate, but seems to me that straight ones didn't have that problem in the first place. usually cute things like this work like crap, but you never know until you try. i would also need a grill to find any use for these. who broils? really.
Now your grilled and broiled kebabs can fit perfectly on your barbecue plates with these curved steel skewers. The 15'' long skewers curl into an 8'' circle. $9.95
WIWI: DIY sushi. however, i won't be getting the fish itself. i read somewhere that if raw fish isn't properly cut and handled, you could get really sick. no thanks. also, i don't really need to be rich to buy this, but i do think i'll need to be rich to take off enough time from work to roll sushi myself. or pay someone to do it.
Sushi Chef Sushi-Making Kit: If you’ve ever watched a professional sushi chef at work, the idea of making sushi yourself might seem somewhat daunting. But more and more of us have been putting aside this apprehension in an urge to create some favorite sushi combinations at home. This well-equipped Sushi Making Kit provides the essentials for satisfying that sushi craving. $35.95
WIWI: but this is an ingenius idea. i would want it retrofitted to fit magazines and newspapers, but we can't have it all.
La Bibliochaise Home is water varnished in white, black or aubergine, also available in others colors upon request. Cotton cushions with removable covers in a wide range of colours. Contains 5 metres of books. no price, but looks expensive.